NLP Interchange Format (NIF) - Attribution and Contact


We are currently updating the list of maintainers and contributors. This process takes quite a while, since many people are involved. Please check back frequently to get updates. Currently over 30 software artifacts exist, that use or implement NIF. We are trying to keep track and collect everything in structured form in a script at GitHub for generating the remainder of the page.


Please add your own publications by uploading your references to bibsonomy and the tag it as nlp2rdf_pub
The latest publication regarding NIF is this one:
Integrating NLP using Linked Data. Sebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer, and Martin Brümmer. Submitted to 12th International Semantic Web Conference, 21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia, (2013)

Origins and Contact

NIF was originally created by a small team from AKSW at University of Leipzig during the LOD2 EU Project, which is still ongoing until 2014. If you have any questions please contact the mailing list (see above) or write an email to Sebastian Hellmann. Please also email Sebastian, if you wish to be added as a maintainer/supporter below.

Maintainers and supporters

Below we are listing the projects and institutions that support NIF and are part of the NLP2RDF project.

LIDER EU Project

Tools and Projects using or implementing NIF

Software (open source and industrial)

Complete attribution is important for us. If your tool is missing on the list, please email Sebastian Hellmann or send a pull request here. Most of the tools are being updated to NIF 2.0, currently. Some only implemented NIF within the soon-to-be ITS 2.0 W3C Recommendation.

Third-Party wrappers and converters

Almost everything included in the developers study. Will be migrated here soon.


Tools that parse and use NIF.


Below is a list of developers who have actively contributed to NIF in terms of code or documentation. Complete attribution is important for us. If your name is missing on the list, please email Sebastian Hellmann or send a pull request here

TODO, below is an old list, that needs to be cleaned and merged