License, Persistence, Versioning
We provide a document explaining the process and further meta-level information.
How to contribute resources (software, implementations, ontologies, corpora) to NIF 2.0?
In order to contribute resources to the project, they have to have open licenses, a versioning procedure consistent with this document and a pledge of maintenance for some years. Furthermore, they need to be added to the resource list and announced on the NLP2RDF blog. Please ask on the public mailing list or get into contact, directly.
How to attribute NIF?
We try to maintain an up-to-date page with acknowledgements to the large community of contributors.
If you refer to NIF in an academic context, please cite the recent paper published at the ISWC in Use track 2013:
- Integrating NLP using Linked Data. Sebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Sören Auer, and Martin Brümmer. 12th International Semantic Web Conference, 21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia, (2013)
There is also a list of further NIF-related scientific publications.
Author and Licence
This document is edited by Sebastian Hellman from the AKSW research group.
If you'd like to leave feedback, please open an issue on
GitHub or send an email to the mailing list
Creative Commons - CC BY 3.0
- The page design is taken from http://semver.org