@base . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix nif: . @prefix itsrdf: . ############### # Alcoholism Context ############## a nif:Context, nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "0" ; nif:endIndex "91429" ; nif:sourceUrl ; nif:isString "(snip) ... Benzodiazepines, while useful in the management of acute alcohol withdrawal, if used long-term can cause a worse outcome in alcoholism. Alcoholics on chronic benzodiazepines have a lower rate of achieving abstinence from alcohol than those not taking benzodiazepines....." . ################ # Alcoholism, the concrete occurrence of "Benzodiazepines" # grep -b -o 'Benzodiazepines, while' Alcoholism.txt # 37028:Benzodiazepines, while ################ a nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "37028" ; nif:endIndex "37043" ; itsrdf:taIdentRef ; nif:referenceContext . ################ # Alcoholism, context level aggregation # since the context == the content of one doc here its also a document level aggregation # grep Benzodiazepines Alcoholism.txt | wc -l # 2 ################ a nif:ContextOccurrence ; nif:count "2" ; nif:occurrence ; nif:occurrence ; nif:referenceContext . ################ # Alcoholism, normalized context level aggregation # grep -E '(benzodiazepine|benzodiazepines|Benzodiazepine|Benzodiazepines)' Alcoholism.txt | wc -l # 17 ################ a nif:NormalizedContextOccurrence ; nif:count "17" ; nif:occurrence ; # ... 17 total nif:term ; nif:term ; nif:term ; nif:term ; nif:referenceContext . ############### # Arachnophobia ############## a nif:Context, nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "0" ; nif:endIndex "12968" ; nif:sourceUrl ; nif:isString "(the whole) ... In addition beta blockers, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and sedatives are used in the treatment of phobias...." . ################ # Arachnophobia the concrete occurrence # grep -b -o sedatives Arachnophobia.txt # 5699:sedatives ################ a nif:RFC5147String ; nif:beginIndex "5699" ; nif:endIndex "5715" ; itsrdf:taIdentRef ; nif:referenceContext ################ # Arachnophobia context level aggregation # grep sedatives Arachnophobia.txt | wc -l # 1 ################ a nif:ContextOccurrence ; nif:count "1" ; nif:occurrence ; nif:referenceContext . ################ # Arachnophobia context level aggregation # grep -E '(sedatives|sedative)' Arachnophobia.txt | wc -l # 1 ################ a nif:NormalizedContextOccurrence ; nif:count "1" ; nif:occurrence ; nif:term ; nif:referenceContext . ################ # collection (corpus) level aggregation ################ nif:context ; nif:context ; a nif:ContextCollection . ################ # terms in the collection/corpus # grep 'sedatives' *.txt | wc -l # 1 ############### a nif:CollectionOccurrence ; nif:count "1" ; nif:occurrence ; nif:term ; nif:collection . ################ # normalized terms in the collection/corpus # grep -E '(sedatives|sedative)' *.txt | wc -l # 11 ############### a nif:NormalizedCollectionOccurrence ; nif:count "11" ; nif:occurrence ; nif:occurrence ; # ... 11 total nif:occurrence ; nif:term ; nif:term ; nif:collection . # values are not correct "2"^^ ; "2.8664689548369758E-8"^^ . # this is calculated based on the collection of contexts rdfs:label "sedatives" ; ; ; "14.35124824022569"^^ ; "14.35124824022569"^^ ; "14.35124824022569"^^ .