NIF simple broaderContext+context for each mention: (baseLine) Triples:(Number of URIs)*4 + (Number of Mentions)*13 8910391*4 + 33969925*13 = 477250589 triples 100% One Uri for each broaderContext, 2 URIs per mention (mention+context) Coined URIs:(Number of URIs) + (Number of Mentions)*2 8910391 + 33969925*2 = 76850241 URIS 100% NIF simple ideal one context per URI Triples:(Number of URIs)*5 + (Number of Mentions)*8 8910391*5 + 33969925*8 = 316311355 triples 66.28% One Uri for each context, 1 URIs per mention Coined URIs:(Number of URIs) + (Number of Mentions) 8910391 + 33969925 = 42880316 URIS 55.79% NIF+Stanbol broaderContext+context for each mention: Triples:(Number of URIs)*4 + (Number of Mentions)*14 8910391*4 + 33969925*14 = 511220514 triples 107.12% One Uri for each broaderContext, 3 URIs per mention (mention+context+enhancementUri) Coined URIs:(Number of URIs) + (Number of Mentions)*3 8910391 + 33969925*3 = 110820166 URIS 144.2% NIF+Stanbol ideal one context per URI Triples:(No. URIs with valid Mentions)*5 + (No. valid Mentions)*9 8910391*5 + 33969925*9 = 350281280 triples 73.40% One Uri for each context, 2 URIs per mention Coined URIs:(Number of URIs) + (Number of Mentions)*2 8910391 + 33969925*2 = 76850241 URIS 100% OpenAnnotation StandAlone triples: a oa:Ann hasBody a cnt:contextAsText cnt:chars "contextString" dc:format "text/plain" a dctype:Text hasBody a oa:SemanticTag foaf:page dbpedia:... hasTarget a oa:SpecificResource hasSource: URL a dctype:URI hasSelector a oa:FragmentSelector conformsTo rfc5147 rdf:value "#char=begin,end" -> 17 triple per mention Triples:(No. valid Mentions)*17 33969925*17 = 577488725 triples 121.00% 5 URIS per mention Coined URIs:(Number of Mentions)*5 33969925*5 = 169849625 URIs 221.01% UIMA + Clerezza\#rdfcas.consumers triples: clerezza:contains clerezza:begin "begin" clerezza:end "end" a uima:SemanticTag clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "coveredText" clerezza:FeatureValue "$anchorOf" clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "type" clerezza:FeatureValue "word/phrase" clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "URI" clerezza:FeatureValue dbpedia:... clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "sofa" clerezza:contains clerezza:begin "0" a uima:Context clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "coveredText" clerezza:FeatureValue "$context" clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "sofa" clerezza:hasFeature clerezza:FeatureName "contextURI" clerezza:FeatureValue $uri -> 11 triples per URI (broaderContext, via annotation2) + 15 triples per mention (via annotation1) Triples: 8910391*11 + 33969925*15 = 607563176 triples 127.30% Coined URIs:(Number of URIs)*6 + (Number of Mentions)*4 8910391*6 + 33969925*4 = 189342046 URIS 246.38%